Thursday, April 2, 2009

Home Recording Tips 101

When I first started recording music I read large text books, read recording Magazines, and it was all trial and error. When I started there was no Internet. Today anyone can find a wealth of info on home and pre recording. You Tube has many great short videos for the beginner and pro.I have a burden to teach audio recording to the absolute beginner, why? When I started I had no one to take me under their wing and teach me. The books I read were over my head, the recording magazines and tutorials were not geared towards the musician that knew nothing. All this did not stop me from finding cheap ways to make demos as I write from 3 to 10 songs a week and always have. Music will always be an art of inspiration with a need for some basic equipment and software know how. In this blog I will attempt to bridge the gap, left. The large cavern that separates the novice from the pro.

It needs not be this way. You can learn Electronics, Math, aquatically educated, editing, mastering, and software till you drop. I feel a minimalist approach works better; you just want to record and maybe post your new music creations for the world to hear on the net. You want and need to take your music to the next level. That’s what you will find hear.Blog articles on the most basic subjects, let people laugh as you slowly learn the essentials with little or no math and science. How and why something works is of no need unless you want to become a pro Recording Engineer, or build a home Recording studio.

Music equipment and software prices have dropped so far anyone can afford to make pro sounding music at home. Gone are the days of you are only making demos. Now demos have their place. If you are a songwriter and want to get your song to other bands, or music publisher the most basic demo is all that is needed. A great song is still a great song no matter how it is recorded. A OK song recorded with pro gear can not make an OK song a Great song with audio tricks and effects.
I have many songs posted all over the net, my main site is on sound click, it is free and you can upload mp3's with no limit. I listen to many artist on sites and sometimes I am dumbfounded why the recording is so bad, full of noise and hiss and just poorly recorded. I make it my mission to try to give free advice to these musicians. I have a free audio recording Course for the 100% beginner. It is in an Interactive PDF level 1 and I mean free with a free newsletter and 2 hours of free phone mentoring. The free course is the same quality of the parts 2-3 that are a only 50.00 each. I have not seen a school for the new bee the new young musician. I am like the Hal Leonard books, they are the best for new recordist wanted a PDF school that is interactive with links to the free software needed for the course, plenty of how to videos and not 10 min samples.

Hear is where you can learn a lot about what I teach and you will learn a lot just from these blogs. My business is called Digital Goatee Productions I have been in the music business 30 years. I am a Producer, Recording Engineer. Mastering Engineer, Audio Teacher, musicians life coach, artist development and I still do my own music at home, cheap and sounds pro. You can learn to do the same. To hear my music go to'abaldo
My music business site is

So take a look and hear my music, I posted in many, many styles and my audio portfolio will speak for its self.
This was my first blog and my introduction to you. The next blogs will be starting from scratch and teaching the absolute start of this, you’re wonderful Journey as I help you take your music to the next level.
Danny Louis Abaldo